Cinderella the Beautiful girl

Cinderella had no father or mother. She lived with her aunt who had two ugly daughters. The aunt and her daughters didn't like Cinderella because she was very beautiful. Cinderella did all the work in the house and stayed in the kitchen all day she cooked, washed the dishes and looked after the fire. She had only one dirty dress and wore it all the time. She was very unhappy.
One day the king was looking for the most beautiful girl in the land for his son, the price, to marry. She would become a princess. The king asked all the ladies in the land to come to a great dance. On the night of the dance the prince would choose his wife.
The two ugly sisters wanted to go. They wanted to marry the prince. cinderella wanted to go too, but her aunt and the ugly sisters laughed and said, ' you can't go.
On the night of the dance, after her aunt and the ugly sisters had gone to the dance, poor cinderella cried.
Suddenly cinderella saw a little old lady. She said, 'don't cry, cinderella. You shall go to the dance. I will help you. She waved her wand. Suddenly cinderella was wearing a beautiful dress and glass shoes. She looked beautiful. Then the old lady waved her wand at a pumpkin and some mice. The pumpkin became a coach and the mice became the coachmen and horses. 'now get into the coach', said the little old lady,' and go to the dance. But remember! You must be home before twelve o'clock.'
she looked radiant and the prince danced with her all the time. Suddenly she ran outside when she heard the block striking twelve. The coach was not there and poor cinderella walked home and started work again. She was very unhappy.
The prince looked for cinderella and found one of her glass shoes. 'if anyone can wear this small shoe,' he said,' she must be the beautiful lady and i will marry her.
Every girl tried the shoe. The ugly sisters tried too, but their feet were big and the shoe was small. 'let cinderella try,' said one of the men. Cinderella put the shoe on easily. So the prince married her and they lived happily ever arter.
Cinderella the Beautiful girl Cinderella the Beautiful girl Reviewed by Rendra dria on December 13, 2008 Rating: 5

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