>->-> Tips stop drinking alcohol <-<-<

>-< Is it starts to interfere with their relationships, work, or health? Would you prefer to spend their money on trips or family instead of Uncle Bud and Mr. Pabst? Did you ever stop drinking, but need strengthening? Read on .

>-< Tell him you're going to stop drinking, and do not overwhelm .

>-< with ideas as ever. Remember, one day at a time. To help you get in the mindset of taking each day as a small victory, getting a schedule, and every morning, mark an X on that day. This establishes a contract between you and sobriety - when you wake up you saying that drinking is out of the question, then it is already a fact .

>-< people drink for a reason - social anxiety, anxiety or guilt about the past, peer pressure, at the very height of a drink-spouse. Go to the library or bookstore and spend a few hours skimming the psychology and self-help section of reading materials that will help you identify your reasons for drinking to excess. Key words to see: Codependency, anxiety, depression, alcoholism, embarrassment .

>-< Seek the help of a therapist. Attend AA meetings .

>-< This step will be very difficult, but probably necessary: Reduce the time you spend with friends that are big drinkers, or cut out completely. Make a detailed inventory of the people who are in their lives, and ask yourself, "Who makes me happy? Who do I look up to and respect? Who leads me down?" Many of us have more friends who are depressed and do not look for help that we have friends who are treating their depression or who are positive thinkers. Hang out with people with depression who are concerned with their problems by drinking instead of resorting to methods more constructive us down. Being compassionate toward these people, but take care of yourself first.
Remember: The aircraft materials always tell us to put an oxygen mask on ourselves before placing them on children. How can we help anyone if we handicap ourselves ?
Replace drinking with other hobbies and pasttimes. Meet friends for coffee, not beer. Spend that money on supplies for art or entertainment rather than alcohol and enjoy Baja .

>-< in his sobriety. Every morning you wake up without a hangover, take a few minutes and just enjoy that feeling. No headaches, no nausea, no worry about what he did or said the night before. Think about how you are a stronger person because you are in control of yourself. Meditate on this - that will increase their self-esteem .

>-< Ask for help and support from people you trust. Send e-mail them on a weekly basis to inform them that has been done through another week without taking a drink. Be sure to ask them if this is correct, first .

>-< Enjoy the clarity of mind and inner peace that does not reach drinking. Studies show that alcohol - which, remember, is a depressant - increases anxiety and stress, mood disorders perpetuates and causes havoc in your system. Stop drinking, and you will not have to worry about these negative consequences already.
>->-> Tips stop drinking alcohol <-<-< >->-> Tips stop drinking alcohol <-<-< Reviewed by Rendra dria on December 20, 2008 Rating: 5

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